Tuesday, April 29, 2008

House Rules

Hi, and welcome to Canvas of Stars, a new mp3 blog not unlike the fofillion other mp3 blogs that are floating around cyberspace at this moment. This blog is sort of a trial blog-- I do not know if I will be able to commit to regularly contributing music to it because of my other obligations, so I'm going to try this out. If it doesn't work, I will shut down the blog. In the meantime, here are some of the "rules" of the mp3's that will be posted here:

1) Mp3s are posted for the purpose of promoting the artist and inspiring and giving some sort of joy to the listener.

2) Most Mp3s won't be on the site for more than a WEEK.**

3) If you like what you hear, please buy that artist's music. I do it too. Buying CDs (or digital albums) is about more than just getting an artist a bigger paycheck or supporting an already crumbling industry-- it's about showing the artist how much you love and value their work. And it makes you feel really shiny inside.

** Exceptions to the rule will be mp3s that artists have made free for downloading, and songs from albums that are RARE or OUT OF PRINT.

I hope this is the beginning of something really good.

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